Partners from the Event Lab deliver a GuestXR tutorial at the IEEE VR conference

Mel Slater, Mavi Sanchez Vives, Ramon Oliva and Esen Küçüktütüncü, partners from the Event Lab of the University of Barcelona, have participated in the 31st IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, held in Orlando (Florida, United States) between March 16th-21st, 2024.
On March 17th, they delivered the tutorial “New advances in the theory and evaluation of presence”, based on GuestXR research. The tutorial, designed for researchers and practitioners seeking to deepen their understanding on VR’s scientific principles such as presence, explored how presence can now be quantified using probability theory and Reinforcement Learning, bypassing traditional questionnaires and measures.
The tutorial also highlighted an inverse relationship between place illusion and the entropy of eye scanpaths, providing a solid empirical basis for the study of place illusion.
Participants taking part in the tutorial learned the conceptual framework of presence and its evaluation through lectures and practical experiences, including multi-participant environments from the GuestXR project.
Moreover, Esen Küçüktütüncü presented on March 18th the poster “Influence of Prior Acquaintance the Shared VR Experience”. The work examines the influence of prior acquaintance on how a group of 3 or 4 people represented by realistic look-alike avatars interacted with each other in a VR environment, engaging in discussions on predefined themes.
Check out and download the poster here:
The IEEE VR 2024 Conference featured presentations on research papers, workshops and tutorials in current VR and 3D interfaces topics, research demos on innovative techniques and applications, and posters about upcoming work.