Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
This event, organised by the Advanced Reality Lab of Reichman University in collaboration with the Sammy Ofer School of Communication, aimed to share and discuss the implications of the latest developments in generative Artificial Intelligence, gathering top-notch experts in this field. It took place at Reichman University (Israel) on April 23rd, 2023.
The seminar also included a public demonstration, introduced by Doron Friedman, where Prof. Gurit Birnbaum, a world expert in research on sex and intimacy, sat with an augmented reality (AR) virtual avatar of Sigmund Freud for a date in front of a live audience. Prof. Birnbaum interacted with him, being able to hold a conversation and provide structured answers to her questions.
This virtual Sigmund Freud was visible only through a Quest Pro mixed reality device, which was projected on screen. The avatar included body language, lip sync, eye contact and conversation abilities based on OpenAI.
This demonstrates, for the first time, the possibility of seamless social interaction with virtual humans, enhanced by AI, in augmented reality.

9:30 – 9:50 – Challenges and dangers in the development and use of artificial inteligence
Dr. Yuval Kamniel, Sami Ofer School of Communication, Reichman University
9:50 – 10:10 – A human joumalist versus a robot joumalistin the age of Chat GPT
Prof. Noam Lamelstrich Letter, Head of the Innovation Center and Head ofthe Esper Institute for Diplomacy in New Media, Reichman University
10:10 – 11:00 – Panel: Creative artificial intelligence – does reality exceed any imagination?
Panel moderator: Dr. Aviv Gaon, Harry Radziner School of Law, Reichman University
Prof. Dov Greenbaum, head of the Zyi Mitar Institute, Reichman University
Dr. Efrat Dobi Teig, Head of Research and Artificial Intelligence, Bria
Adv. Ben Khaklai, Regional Legal Advisor, Microsoft Middle East and Africa
11:00 – 11:20 – Break
11:20 – 11:50 – A date with Freud – augmented reality and arlfiial intelligence
Prof. Gorit Birnbaum, Baruch Evcher School of Psychology, Reichman University
Prof. Doron Friedman, Head of the Advanced Reality Research Laboratory, Sami Ofer School of Communication, Reichman University
Dr. Yonatan Giron, codirector of the Advanced Realily Research Laboratory, Sami Ofer School of Communication, Reichman University
11:50 – 12:20 – Al bias in human-robot interaction
Dr. Noa Morg, Sami Ofer School of Communication, Reichman University
12:20 Closing remarks