Open Call

Researchers from NTNU and UiT study protest behaviour employing innovative XR technologies

Amongst all applicants of the GuestXR Open Call, researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the UiT The Arctic University of Norway were chosen to explore contemporary protests and social dynamics, ranging from women’s strikes to climate demonstrations, in the context of GuestXR supported multi-person shared extended reality.

In particular, the use case investigates individual and group responses during protests, and analyses the events from different perspectives, touching upon pedagogical and artistic perspectives.

To produce XR simulation of historical protests, GuestXR project innovative technologies, including Social Virtual Reality applications, along with various developed tools for AR and VR technologies regarding remote collaboration and embodiment, are at their disposal.

Free access to state-of-the-art XR environment system

The GuestXR project launched on June 2023 an Open Call for interested individuals or organisations to participate in the development and implementation of a use case integrating the project technology in novel applications.

We looked for innovative approaches to use our solution and resources to address a particular societal issue and promote progress towards a more sustainable, just, and equitable society while enhancing the use of Extended Reality.

Through this Open Call, GuestXR offered support towards the development of a specific project or application focusing on improving social issues. The submission period closed at the end of September 2023.

The winner, announced on late November 2023, was granted access to Social Virtual Reality applications, along with various developed tools for XR technologies. Activities on the selected use case started on January 2024 and will last until December 2024.

Applicant guidelines

Find here the relevant information on GuestXR Open Call and application processes

Updated July 17, 2023

Submission period

Deadline: September 30, 2023 at 23.59 PM CEST.

The period for submitting applications has been closed

What activities were elegible?

Who could apply?

We looked for applications or projects using GuestXR system in the context of improving social issues for a more sustainable, just and equitable society aiming at:

Any person or entity registered in a country participating in Horizon Europe (including third countries and countries in transitional arrangements) and that had social impact as a main goal, whether intrinsic in the organisation values or in the proposed application.​

Only one proposal per applicant was permitted.

What could you apply for?

GuestXR offered a wide range of technological solutions available to the winning candidate

The beneficiary receives the total support of the GuestXR Consortium to develop the proposed project. The winning proposal receives access to The Guest system applied to the winning project and support of the Consortium, in the form of specific training and advice.

The Open Call winner has access to Social Virtual Reality applications, along with various developed tools for AR and VR technologies regarding remote collaboration and embodiment.

Accessible technologies

Any questions?

Get in touch!

If you have any questions please refer to contact the GuestXR team