Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya - Advanced Reality Lab
Reichman University (AKA IDC Herzliya) was declared Israel’s first private university in August 2021, with a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programs, including PhD programs. Our interdisciplinary research is recognized world-wide in both competitive grants and publications. We have over 150 tenure-track researchers across 9 schools with more than 30 research centers, labs and institutes, working on over 100 active grants.
Contribution to GuestXR
Two separate groups in RUNI are involved in the project. The Advanced Reality Lab (PI: Prof Doron Friedman) is in charge of designing and developing the deep reinforcement learning algorithms behind the Guest. The Brain lab/institute will use behavioral and neuroimaging methods (fMRI) to investigate the principles and neural underpinnings of multisensory integration in rich virtual environments compared to simpler laboratory conditions. Our research will also be aimed at increasing the accessibility of VR/AR technologies to hearing and visually impaired individuals (including deaf and blind).