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- Create Date October 1, 2024
- Last Updated October 1, 2024
D6.6 GuestXR User Group - Executive summary
The project established a User Group (UG) comprising individuals and organizations interested in contributing to and benefiting from the project. Key participants included representatives from Spotify, Microsoft Research, Google, and the United Nations, among others. However, not all of these actually participated. The primary role of the UG is to provide feedback, suggest improvements, and explore potential collaborations.
The first UG meeting took place online on June 1, 2022. Attendees discussed the project's research focus and specific use cases, notably the conflict resolution use case. This initial meeting led to the incorporation of climate change discussions as part of the conflict resolution scenario for the first experiment.
A second UG meeting was held on June 12, 2024. This meeting featured presentations on various aspects of the project, including AI integration, the GuestXR system, and specific case studies. A key topic of discussion was the potential for mixed reality (MR) and augmented reality (AR) applications, cross-platform compatibility, and the benefits of pre-meeting introductions to build trust among participants and AI agents.
Looking ahead, the project aims to enhance the UG's engagement by organizing a physical meeting towards the end of 2024, potentially as part of a small conference. This would facilitate more active participation and in-depth discussions on the use cases and the broader application of the project's technology and scientific findings.
The GuestXR project is making significant strides in leveraging AI to enhance social harmony within XR environments. The involvement of a diverse UG has been crucial in shaping the project's direction and ensuring its relevance to real-world applications. Future efforts will focus on deeper engagement and broader dissemination of the project's outcomes.