Justine Saint-Aubert, Researcher at the Hybrid Team at Inria, has disseminated a GuestXR-based scientific article during the 30th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2023 conference), celebrated on March 25th-29th in Shanghai (China).
The paper, entitled “Persuasive vibrations: Effects of Speech-Based Vibrations on Persuasion, Leadership, and Co-Presence During Verbal Communication in VR”, investigates how tactile feedback consisting in vibrations synchronised with speech could influence persuasion, co-presence and leadership in Virtual Reality.
In the experiment explained in the paper, participants were listening to two speaking virtual agents and the speech of one agent was augmented with vibrotactile feedback. In a second experiment, the participants were talking to two agents, and their own speech was augmented or not with vibrotactile feedback.
Download the article here.
The results show that vibrotactile feedback improves the co-presence, persuasiveness and leadership of agents when listening to them. It also improves co-presence, and participants perceive their speech as more persuasive when speaking.
The article, presented during an audio-dedicated session chaired by Yue Li on March 27th, was authored by GuestXR partners Anatole Lecuyer, Justine Saint-Aubert, Ferran Argelaguet, Claudio Pacchierotti, Marc Macé from Inria and Amir Amedi from the Reichman University.
The 30th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces is the premier international event for the presentation of research results in the broad areas of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. It featured oral presentations, posters, research demos, tutorials, and workshops.