Presentation of a poster based on GuestXR research during a Neurobiology workshop


Vojta Smekal, partner from Maastricht University, has presented a GuestXR poster during the workshop Comparative Neurobiology of Higher Cognitive Functions, organised by the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture running between September 9th-14th, 2022, in Erice (Italy).

The poster, entitled “Computing a unique neural fingerprint of human bodily actions and expressions”, discovers feature combinations representative of different action classes and their neural representations. It has been also contributed by partners from Maastricht University Beatrice de Gelder and Marta Poyo.

You can have a look at the poster down below:

The purpose of this workshop was to highlight new perspectives on the brain mechanisms underlying higher cognitive processes in different species, as well as to explore the possible homologous and analogous evolutionary trends responsible for solving similar problems in different, species-specific environments.