Partners from the UB and Inria present two GuestXR posters at the International Summer School on XR

Partners from the UB and Inria present two GuestXR posters at the International Summer School on eXtended Reality Technology and eXperience Esen Küçüktütüncü, PhD student at Event Lab Barcelona and Jeanne Hecquard, PhD student at Inria, have attended the International Summer School on eXtended Reality Technology and eXperience, celebrated on July 18th-21st, 2023, in Madrid (Spain). During the event,…

spring school

GTEC disseminates GuestXR during its Spring School 2022

GTEC disseminates GuestXR during its Spring School 2022 Christoph Guger, GuestXR project partner from g.tec medical engineering GmbH, has included project information during his presentation to the BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School 2022, organised by g.tec in a hybrid format on April 25th-May 4th, 2022 in Schiedlberg (Austria). During his presentation, entitled “How cool are BCIs?” he included GuestXR…